Tooth extraction (pulling)

Tooth extraction (pulling) is a surgical procedure performed in the oral cavity with the aid of a local anaesthetic. There are many conditions that necessitate a tooth extraction, the most common ones are:

  • severe cases of cavities which cannot be treated in any other way;
  • exceptionally loose teeth;
  • a tooth which is a cause of a jawbone infection;
  • various tooth injuries;
  • a tooth preventing a prosthetic replacement from being placed;
Tooth extraction (pulling)
Tooth extraction (pulling)

To lessen the pain during this surgical procedure, it is usually done with the aid of a local anaesthetic. In the case of the upper teeth, only the area of the tooth needs to be anesthetised, whereas the lower teeth require inferior alveolar nerve anaesthesia.

To ensure that no complications or healing difficulties arise in the post-surgical phase, it is necessary that the patient adheres to the following rules:

  • Immediately after the procedure, you will be given a gauze pad which you will have to bite on gently to stop the bleeding. The pad has to remain in the mouth for at least 15 minutes.
  • To lessen the post-surgical pain or potential swelling, it is appropriate to take an over-the-counter analgesic before the anaesthetics wear off and then apply an icepack on the affected areas of the face.
  • During the first two days, do not rinse the oral cavity and do not gargle, so you do not interrupt the formation of the blood clot over the wound – it is necessary for a complication–free healing process. After the first two days, it is recommended to start rinsing the mouth with herbal extracts (for example agrimony, sage or camomile) or alcohol-free mouthwashes (for example Corsodyl, Paroex, Curasept).
  • You should avoid food irritants and hot beverages
  • If you still have the sutures in, eat soft foods and use the other side of the mouth to bite, so the stitches do not tear. We will remove the stitches usually 7-10 days after the surgery.
  • Avoid drinking and smoking several days after the procedure
  • Duly adhere to oral hygiene habits and be very careful when cleaning the wound surroundings